The Truth About Masonry is a booklet written by Worldwide Church of God member Jack R. Elliot and it was published in 1961 during Herbert Armstrong's lifetime. It can now be found on many websites promoting the teachings of Armstrongism. The booklet is an anti-Mason polemic. I found it odd that the WCOG would take on Freemason ideas spinning around at the time like British-Israelism and Pyramidology which it likely picked up from Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Adventists, yet it would turn against Freemasonry. This seems just like what Charles Taze Russell (Founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses) did, read Freemasonry, stole ideas, then denounced Freemasonry. How was Armstrong influenced by Freemasonry and why did he turn against it?
The Truth About Masonry by Jack R. Elliot
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