Tuesday, February 13, 2024

20. Jew Stanley Rader on 60 Minutes, financial controller of Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God, government investigation, Rader's Jewish aid Robert Kunn

Stanley Radar, a Jew who kept his Jewish identity even after converting to the Worldwide Church of God, was in complete financial control of the church under Herbert Armstrong, overseeing 80 million dollars a year in Church revenue.  Due to conspicious consumption, the church and Herbert Armstrong came under government investigation, but Rader refused to hand over records.  However, at first, Amrstrong sensed Rader was taking control of the organization and planned to oust him, but once it became known he reversed it.  Watch the entire interview with Stanley Rader and 60 Minutes below.  Rader's aid was a Jew named Robert Kuhn (possibly of the Kuhn Jewish banking dynasty) who was thrown out of the church for trying to change it's doctrines and is now a bigshot in Chinese politics (here).

Jew Stanely Rader on 60 Minutes


1 comment:

  1. You don't cease to be Jewish when you convert to another religion, you just become a heretic.


The Armstrong Mystery - Table of Contents

  The Armstrong Mystery Unravelling Herbert W. Armstrong's Philosophy In Regard To Freemasonry And Anti-Freemasonry, The Jehovah's W...